Reveal day is here everyone! I feel like I could give Linda, founder and organizer of the One Room Challenge, a giant hug right now. If it weren’t for her requesting that I participate in this season of the ORC my husband and I would have never gotten our butts in gear to redesign our master bedroom. It’s very possible we would still be living in an orange bedroom right now, YIKES! (Don’t believe me? check out week 1! Then check week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, & week 6). This was my first time participating in the One Room Challenge, and I hope it isn’t my last! Believe it or not, I have never participated in a decorating and remodeling project so exhilarating before, and while moments of it felt overwhelming and like I was on the brink of failure, this space turned out even more incredible than I imagined and I learned so much.

Did you know we moved into our new/old house only days before the ORC began? It’s true! What’s also true is, I had plans for vertical paneling in this home before knowing Metrie was a sponsor. I reached out to Metrie immediately and asked if they sold any products that would look like vertical shiplap, and you guys, they have the perfect product for all shiplap lovers out there! It’s called Metrie Complete Pre-painted Shiplap and they’ve legitimately perfected the process of installing shiplap in people’s homes! As the name mentions, it’s pre-painted, which tends to be the hurdle for homeowners who want the look as painting dozens of boards can be a drag. I talked about how we installed the vertical paneling in week 5, it seriously couldn’t have been easier.

As many of you know, vintage rugs are a passion of mine, and I looooove to decorate around them. I found this vintage Tabriz rug for a small fortune (they’re stunning, perfectly and expertly worn and shaved down to a low pile, they’re expensive for a reason!) but knew this rug was THE rug!

Once I found the rug, I swear the bed found me! I didn’t want to spend my entire budget on a new bed (which you can easily do by the way – beds are expensive!) I wanted something linen in a neutral solid color, with a foot-board and a simple profile. The Parisa bed fit the bill perfectly, and you guys – the quality is incredible and the price point is surprisingly affordable.

The next items I sourced were the bed linens. For the bedding, I wanted something natural in color with a little bit of texture. I already had white sheets, so all I had to do was layer the Brussels quilt & shams atop the petite ruffle duvet cover, which I topped with a double sheepskin to add more texture and warmth. My favorite bed styling trick is to have multiple layers of neutrals, then mix up the throw pillows whenever I feel like a change. I sourced the two peach kilim pillows and had the other mudcloth pillows sewn. If you like these, I have similar pillows available in my shop!

I purchased two Cafe sconces myself from Lucent Lightshop, I couldn’t picture any other lighting in this room. I just love Sarah’s products so when she announced this new profile I scooped two up so quick!

When it came to selecting decorative objects, I knew I wanted to use the Sabla gold oval tray by Article. Article has the most beautiful metallic trays and bowls in their shop, it was hard to choose just one. I am the type of person who needs a tray or bowl on my nightstand to corral all the random things I discard from my body before climbing in bed, like hair ties and bobbi pins and such. Tell me I’m not the only one.

Speaking of the nightstands, our second nightstand got stuck in shipping delays but I’m so happy I get to showcase at least one for you! Have you ever experienced that moment you purchase your first piece of high quality furniture? This nightstand is one of those pieces – solid wood construction, perfect brass cap handles, and the profile is everything I was looking for in a dresser. I wanted something with storage so I can hide my PJs and a shelf to display pretty things like books and magazines. The Lexington nightstands from The Mine are one of my most favorite elements in the room. I’ll update these photos once the second nightstand arrives so you can see them flanking the bed.

We were nearing the completion of renovating the bedroom when we realized we didn’t have closet doors! We picked up some cheap-o flat panel doors from our local hardware store and some square trim, then added this box frame molding detail to the doors to give them a little more personality. Then we painted them the same color to match the wall paneling. I love the subtle detail of the trim paired with the brass hexagon knobs.

As you can see we removed the stained glass window from the right window. In case you’re worried, we didn’t get rid of it! We are thinking of ways to display the stained glass window as an art piece in another part of the house.

Another decision that plagued me was whether or not to get window treatments for our windows and slider. I ultimately decided against window treatments because our backyard is completely private and secluded, and it’s a wonderful view to wake up to in the morning. A big perk to all this natural light is this room is a fiddle leaf fig tree haven! Against my better judgement (because fiddles are SO fickle and to care for) I bought this big tree and placed it inside the black grid basket from Article. I like using baskets as planters because they look well designed and intentional, but also make it easy to take the plant out for a good watering if needed.

I think it’s about time I mention this ceiling fan! I’ve wanted a modern profile ceiling fan for years. Years! We had the most hideous ceiling fan in our old house, and I refused to let that happen in our new house. Thank goodness Craftmade is sponsoring the ORC, because they have an incredible selection of modern ceiling fans. I fell hard for the Mobi ceiling fan. I was worried at first about the black being too bold, but it literally couldn’t be more perfect for this space.

My original intention for the artwork above the dresser was to showcase something original, I loved a handful of prints from a few of my favorite photographers, but I couldn’t pull the trigger fast enough to get them framed and printed. I’ve been hoarding a small stack of these woven African mats with the intention to get them professionally framed, so I decided to test it out myself! I hacked a Target framed art piece by replacing the mass produced art that came with the frame with the vintage woven mat. I think it turned out great and plan to get more framed for my shop!

I flanked the art with two Salina table lamps from Basset Mirror. These lamps are so pretty! The top of the sphere is a frosted glass, and the bottom is brushed raw brass. They’re so simple yet make such a statement. The arrival of the Suki dresser from Hayneedle will take place any minute, and I will update these photos once it arrives. For now we borrowed the dresser from my daughter Mara’s bedroom.

I knew I wanted some accent seating, but worried whether or not we’d have enough space for an accent chair. Choosing the accent chair was actually the one decision that took the longest. I turned to Article as they have such a stellar selection of accent seating, and couldn’t get my mind off the Forma Milkyway brass frame armchair. I love the textured neutral fabric and the geometric brass frame. It has personality but doesn’t steal the show, kind of like me! Haha.

Article never fails to deliver! They have such a great assortment of furniture and decor. I hung their Helix black white woven basket beneath a woven basket I’ve had for years, on the wall above the chair. Bowls on a wall – instant art! I love how it helps bounce texture and neutrals around the room. It’s so easy to turn anything handmade into displayed art.

We have a bathroom connected to the master bedroom, and from the very beginning when planning out this space I knew I wanted to incorporate Farrow & Ball wallpaper. I stumbled on this wallpaper during my girls trip to Chicago when checking out the Farrow & Ball store. I took home a sample of the Peony wallpaper in the 23-21 colorway and couldn’t get it out of my head. You all know how much I love navy! I envisioned a wallpapered bathroom peeking out from the master bedroom, and think I was successful in making this vision come to life!

Elements of our bathroom will be updated over time (like the tile – shh, don’t look!) but significant improvements were made over these last few weeks. We removed the original medicine cabinet, covered it with drywall, and after wallpapering we then hung the Coburg brass mirror from Lamps Plus. This mirror is so so pretty! I decided to layer brass on brass in this space, which may be daring for some but I think it’s working out well. We installed two Hudson Valley mini brass pendants also from Lamps Plus, and am seriously looking for reasons to hang more of these pendants around my house. I love them so much!

Another element we updated last minute was our door hardware. We have old original doors from the 50’s and I was initially concerned about retrofitting new hardware, but once I got talking with Emtek about replacing our door handles, they were so knowledgeable about all the specifications we needed to make the upgrade seamless. I chose the Helios lever with rectangle back plate in matte black for our doors, and I’m not kidding when I say Emtek products will spoil you and you’ll never want to use another product again!

I pulled a vintage paint by number from my growing vintage art collection. I love how the frame helps bounce the gold around the room and also helps harness the feminine vibe of this space.

Gosh you guys! I can’t believe this is it! What a whirlwind this makeover has been. I couldn’t have done it without everyone’s positive comments and encouragement and all the amazing sponsors. Thank you for following along, and please make sure to check out the rest of the final reveals! Also, check Linda’s blog tomorrow to see all the other incredible finished spaces of the Thursday group, there are hundreds of participants with incredible spaces and enough eye candy to keep you satisfied for months!

Pleeeaaaase take me back to last week, Please! Take me back to when delivery times were still on track and wallpaper was freshly hung. Last week we were all in total bliss, with a little extra time on our hands we weren’t rushed or stressed. What a nice break that was because today I definitely feel stressed!

We have a very tight delivery window for both our nightstands from The Mine and our Suki dresser from Hayneedle, and part of me doesn’t even want to share the dirty truth here on the blog, but the other part of me wants to be as transparent as possible with everyone the reality of renovating a room on a tight timeline and the cold fact that not everything goes according to plan! We show you the pretty side of things generally speaking, but there is a lot of stress and anxiety behind things that are out of your control.
So here’s the truth – there’s a chance our nightstands and our dresser might not arrive in time, but there’s a small chance they will. Everyone pray to the delivery gods for me because I don’t have a backup plan!
To refresh your memory, this is the design direction of my master bedroom:

You want to hear something else that happened this week? Buckle up! It’s truth time folks! There’s a take-away from this lesson I learned and I hope you don’t repeat my mistake so listen closetly. Our wallpaper was installed on Friday, and it looked PERFECT, like drop-dead-gorgeous-I-wanna-lick-the-walls perfect. I was on a high with how good it looked. Two days later when the paper was fully dry, all of a sudden there were jarring seams between the paper, you could literally see each horizontal seam where the white walls peaking through the seams on all 4 walls. I cried (like face in the pillow toddler sobs) not knowing how this was going to get fixed in time without jeopardizing the whole project. It sounds dramatic, but the feelings were real and momentarily I wasn’t sure what to do. Tears lasted about 3 minutes then I called up my wallpaper guy and explained to him what happened. He was shocked, and came over the next day to take a look. He had never experienced this in decades of wallpaper hanging, and felt sooo bad. He got to fixing it right away, and I’m happy to report after waiting another 72 hours for everything to dry, it looks perfect!
So what’s the lesson? It turns out this handcrafted wallpaper expands more than expected when wet, enough so that you have to nearly overlap the seams when hanging it so that when the paper dries it shrinks to it’s proper place. We were lucky to have enough left over paper to fix it. Moral of the wallpaper story is – A) have your wallpaper guy call the manufacturer to confirm any nuances of the paper, and B) order extra, for waste and extra for repairs, just in case. Most wallpaper is printed in batches, and if we were to order this wallpaper at a later date there’s no guarantee the colors would match which is why you want to order a little extra from the start, even though it might hurt the wallet a little.

On the bright side, we finally installed our new ceiling fan! This is the Mobi ceiling fan from Craftmade. If a ceiling fan could have sex appeal, this one definitely has it! The charcoal wood grain, the black base… hot mama! Craftmade was so amazing to work with, they made sure I selected the proper down rod length and the fan arrived in like two days! We chose a fan with a light kit out of convenience, but I hear some folks don’t prefer lights with their ceiling fans? Why is this? We have multiple sources of light in the room, but this is our only overhead lighting. I suppose if we had can lights we wouldn’t need a light kit with our fan.

We are installing Emtek door hardware throughout our house! Emtek is sponsoring the One Room Challenge, and I am STOKED to have new door hardware! If you remember we used Emtek for our front door hardware at our old house. I chose the Helios lever in matte black with the rectangle back plate, and these handles seriously amp up the style factor in our home. I chose the lever over a knob because the lever leans slightly more traditional and maybe even a bit feminine, and I think pairing it alongside the more modern clean lined furniture pieces in the room, this marriage of styles is helping me achieve that tight tension between modern and traditional I’ve been going for this whole time.

And another exciting addition to the space is a giant fiddle leaf fig tree. A REAL one! All this talk on blogs lately of faux trees, I almost considered it, but this room has a wall FULL of windows and our backyard is completely private so we can keep the windows uncovered all day long. Fingers crossed this fiddle has found a happy home and will double in growth year after year! (ha! yeah right).
You know what to do! Hop through the list and see everyone’s last ORC progress installment updates!

Original article and pictures take thevintagerugshop.com site
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